Copyfree: resources > works

Copyfree Works

The license status of some works may be more complex than it at first appears here. In some cases, the license status listed for a given work is the "primary" license under which it is distributed. In several cases, parts of the work may be distributed under other licenses -- potentially even non-copyfree licenses.

Where present, descriptions are typically drawn from the claims of the projects themselves, and represent neither claims nor opinions of the Copyfree Initiative. Inclusion here (with or without description) does not constitute, and should not be inferred as, endorsement of any project.

Listings are presented for informational purposes only, and no representation is made as to the accuracy or utility of any information provided. Use at your own risk.

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+: Clicking the + link will include only works that are tagged with that term.

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Submit Works

There are presently two ways to submit a work:


License Reference

Agar is a powerful open-source, cross-platform toolkit for graphical applications in C, C++ or Objective-C (bindings to Perl and Ada are also available).




License Reference

Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application.




License Reference

IUP is a multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces. It offers a simple API in three basic languages: C, Lua and LED. IUP's purpose is to allow a program source code to be compiled in different systems without any modification.




License Reference

Nimx is a cross-platform GUI framework in Nim.




License Reference

The swk software is a minimalist widget kit with support for SDL and X11.




License Reference

Tk is a graphical user interface toolkit that takes developing desktop applications to a higher level than conventional approaches. Tk is the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages, and can produce rich, native applications that run unchanged across Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and more.

