A number of projects that use copyfree licensing are worthy of support, whether that support is advocacy, development, money, or other forms of aid. If you're interested in advancing the popularity and influence of copyfree policy, you may want to have a look at the following projects for ideas of places you can help out:
Copyfree Initiative Projects
Improve Copyfree Initiative Site: A number of improvements are in the works, though there are some issues keeping them from being realized as quickly as we would like. If you wish to know more about any of the below, get in touch via one of the community resources.
- Make alliances with organizations that have similar goals, connect with people whose expertise can be helpful in small doses such as copyright and patent lawyers, and similarly form stronger ties with broader community resources. Ideas on how to proceed in a productive manner are key here.
- Improve the management of Copyfree News, preferably by actually writing complete news items and analysis so that @CopyfreeNews can be used as a channel to promote these rather than simply as a "linkblog"-style feed. Development time and writing/posting time are the primary hurdles.
- Establish a searchable, centralized database of copyfree resources so that these resources can be more fully and easily utilized, with a better interface for submitting new information to encourage more public involvement in their maintenance. At the moment, all this requires is time that can be spared to work on it.
- Create and offer swag. Some graphic design support would be nice, if anyone has the time and talent to contribute. Money may also be a needed resource, though print-on-demand services may be suitable in a pinch.
Operating Systems
Porting and Platform Compatibility
Replacements for Copy(right/left) Tools
- BSD-licensed ELF Toolchain
- BSD-licensed Text Processing Tools
- Portable C Compiler -- Copyfree-licensed C Compiler
If you have ideas for how to improve this page, please use the resources on our community page to let us know.