Copyfree Works
The license status of some works may be more complex than it at first appears here. In some cases, the license status listed for a given work is the "primary" license under which it is distributed. In several cases, parts of the work may be distributed under other licenses -- potentially even non-copyfree licenses.
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- Join the IRC channel (see community resources) and tell apotheon about the work. Make sure you provide both the address for whatever serves as an official homepage or source for the work, and the address for an authoritative source for the license terms of the project.
- Use the (temporary) measure of visiting the CopyfreeWorks repository, forking it, editing the datafile, and submitting a pull request. See the CopyfreeWorks README for more details on how to do this.
License ReferenceLicense(s)
- Revised BSD License
License ReferenceGauche is an R7RS Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in system interface, and native multilingual support are some of its goals.
- Revised BSD License
License ReferenceLambra is an experiment to implement a functional, distributed Lisp on the Rubinius Virtual Machine, much à la Erlang.
- MIT/X11 License
License ReferenceMontezuma is a text search engine library for Lisp based on the Ferret library for Ruby, which is itself based on the Lucene library for Java.
- MIT/X11 License
License ReferencePapert is a Logo implementation that runs in your browser.
- MIT/X11 License
Racket [1]permalink
License ReferenceRacket is a programming language with similarities to the Scheme (Lisp) family and a past close relationship to it, which specializes in education (ex. SICP, etc), metaprogramming / language design, and creation of higher-level domain-specific languages.
- MIT/X11 License + LGPL3
- MIT/X11 License + Apache License 2.0
License ReferenceRScheme is an object-oriented, extended version of the Scheme dialect of Lisp that compiles to C, or to bytecode for virtual machine execution.
- custom license
Scheme 48permalink
License ReferenceScheme 48 is a bytecode interpreted implementation of R5RS designed to be used as a testbed for experiments in implementation techniques and as an expository tool.
- BSD License
License ReferenceTinyScheme is a lightweight Scheme interpreter that implements as large a subset of R5RS as was possible without getting very large and complicated. It is meant to be used as an embedded scripting interpreter for other programs. A lot of functionality in TinyScheme is included conditionally, to allow developers freedom in balancing features and footprint.
- Revised BSD License
Ypsilon Schemepermalink
License ReferenceYpsilon is the implementation of Scheme Programming Language, which conforms to the latest standard R6RS* established in September 2007. Ypsilon achieves a remarkably short GC pause time and the best performance in parallel execution as it implements "mostly concurrent garbage collection", which is optimized for the multi-core CPU system.
- Revised BSD License